The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Child, Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne, HydrotherapyAbstract
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive disease. The inability to walk is common in early adolescence, and with the restriction to a wheelchair at this stage of the disease, the wheelchair becomes the patient’s only form of locomotion. Their agility in the wheelchair is a key factor for the functional independence of these individuals. Objective: The objective of this study was to verify the impact of aquatic therapy on non-ambulatory children with DMD. Method: This study has a prospective, interventional, clinical character. The patient underwent ten sessions of aquatic therapy as an intervention, using the following assessment tools: EgenKlassifikation scale, zigzag agility test, oxygen saturation (SatO2), respiratory rate (RR), forced vital capacity (FVC), tidal volume (TV), minute volume (MV), peak cough flow (PCF), and maximal inspiratory (PImax) and maximal expiratory (PEmax) pressures. The intervention protocol of aquatic therapy was defined focusing on the agility in maneuvering the wheelchair. Results: Improvement in agility was observed in moving wheelchair, maintenance of the EK scale score, and a decrease in TV, MV, and PCF. Conclusion: The results showed that for this patient, aquatic therapy may intervene positively in his mobile agility in the wheelchair.
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