Functional electrical stimulation optimized in patients with hemiparesis due to cerebrovascular disease
Stroke/rehabilitation, Electric Stimulation, ParesisAbstract
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is one of the techniques used on patients with motor sequelae such as hemiparesis after a stroke (CVA). Recent studies show positive results for the use of FES in the increase of isometric muscular strength for wrist extensors and reduction of tonus for patients with active extension of upper wrist at 20° before the intervention. Objective: As for the amplitude of movement and reduction of tonus in patients with 10° and 20° of active extension of the wrist, no significant gains were observed. Method: This study evaluated the efficiency of optimized functional electrical stimulation (O-FES) for two weeks on the manual dexterity and range of movement (ROM) of three individuals showing hemiparesis due to a stroke. Results: All the patients improved in one or more items of the evaluation (manual dexterity and ROM). Conclusion: We can conclude that the application of stimulation according to this new parameter showed benefits with a short time of stimulation on those patients with only a hint of finger movement.
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