Prevalence of phantom pain among amputees at Lar Escola São Francisco
Amputees, Pain, Phantom LimbAbstract
The physiopathology of phantom limb pain is characterized by cortical map reorganization, a process that involves plasticity in sensorimotor representations. The presence of phantom limb pain can interfere with the physical and psychosocial rehabilitation of amputees, compromising the patient’s acquisition of skills and quality of life. Objective: To determine the prevalence of phantom limb pain in amputees seen at the Lar Escola São Francisco (LESF). Methods: The records of patients attending the Amputation and Prosthesis Group between January 2005 and December 2010 were analyzed regarding the presence or absence of signs of phantom limb pain. Results: Phantom limb pain was reported in 10 of 330 records analyzed, corresponding to a proportion of 3.3%. Conclusion: Prevalence of phantom limb pain was low among amputees studied at LESF. Its approach needs to be better investigated during individual assessment of amputees.
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