Effectiveness of back school in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain
Low Back Pain, Posture, Quality of LifeAbstract
Spinal pains affect 70% to 80% of the adult population at some point in life and are considered one of the most common reasons for early retirement for total or partial disability. The treatments’ high cost and the lack of efficiency of conventional therapeutic practices are at the root of the Back School’s creation. Objective: The purpose of this study was to perform a systematic review of literature over the last ten years to verify the effectiveness of the Back School with those who suffer from chronic nonspecific low back pain. Method: The search was conducted in the computerized databases of Medline, Embase, and Lilacs. The search’s criteria for the three databases were randomized articles about the Back School’s effectiveness over the last ten years. The methodological quality of the selected studies in this review was evaluated using a set composed of nine criteria. Overall, five studies were included in this review, four being considered of high quality. Results: Two of the study’s considered articles come from Brazil, demonstrating the interest this country’s researchers have for this approach to chronic nonspecific low back pain. Every study analyzed presented positive results for the effectiveness of the Back School in the short and medium-term. Conclusion: With this research we conclude that the Back School programs have been considered as an important tool, not just in the treatment, but also in the prevention of chronic nonspecific low back pain. However, more studies are needed to assess the referred tool in the long-term and with methodological standardized procedures.
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