Implications of changes in social cognition in the general rehabilitation process of patients with traumatic brain injury
Cognition, Craniocerebral Trauma, RehabilitationAbstract
Social cognition can be understood as the operation of cognitive processes applied to relationships, modulating the behavioral response of human beings in a social group. Objective: From this perspective, this paper aims to review concepts of social cognition and its changes in victims of traumatic brain injury with lesions in the frontal region and the implications on the subject’s affectivity, as well as the influences on the overall rehabilitation process. The relevance of the study is based on the fact that there is now a growing number of people affected by neurological injuries and who are victims of their implications. Method: For this purpose, the methodology used was a review of the literature that encompassed Brazilian books and articles on the topic published between 1994 and 2011. Results: The discussion aims to contribute to a better understanding of the loss of neurological involvement, which thereby enables more collaboration with the rehabilitation process and a better quality of life for these patients. Conclusion: We concluded that changes of social cognition and affectivity bring several ramifications regarding the development of the rehabilitation program, hence it is relevant in these cases to consider neuropsychological rehabilitation as a process that promotes the re-establishment of social relationships. The role of the psychologist is in helping to build coping strategies for the current condition of people who have suffered this involvement, seeking to provide them a better quality of life.
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