Self-care practice for bowel functioning in a group of patients with spinal cord injury
Activities of Daily Living, Neurogenic Bowel, Spinal Cord Injuries, RehabilitationAbstract
This was a descriptive and exploratory study. Objective: To characterize individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) treated at a rehabilitation center in a tertiary hospital in the interior of São Paulo state, and to identify their self-care practices related to bowel management. Method: After being approved by the Research Ethics Committee and receiving consent from the participants, the data was collected through an interview and by analyzing their medical records. Thirty individuals were interviewed, most of whom were male, single, had a complete secondary education, and a mean age of 35 years. Results: The main cause for the SCI was automobile accident with a prevalence of cervical injuries. The most common self-care practices were nutritional management followed by abdominal massage. Regarding the bowel problems, fecal impaction predominated followed by fecal incontinence. Conclusion: The bowel rehabilitation program should be instituted for individuals with SCI as early as possible to minimize complications.
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