Using the ICF in work-related physiotherapy: a contribution to data collection about functioning
Occupational Health, Data Collection, Physical Therapy Specialty, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthAbstract
In Brazil, the notification of the worker’s health is made through the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). However, to assess their functionality and disability, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) is more appropriate as it is a tool that generates data on human functioning at work and on the influence of the environment on the performance of occupational activities. Objective: This paper aims to develop a data collection form for use in Occupational Physiotherapy to facilitate the notification of disabilities or of environmental influences on functionality. Method: Based on the Delphi technique and after an informed consensus with specialists, relevant categories of the ICF were chosen and an instrument of data collection was structured that was eventually submitted to the participants of this selective process to evaluate its applicability. Results: We obtained a data collection instrument comprising 24 ICF categories with the possibility of using three qualifiers created for this purpose. The participants found this collection form easy to use. Conclusion: The data collection instrument that resulted from this study will be available for tests in the area of Occupational Physiotherapy and is expected to help in generating data on the workers’ functioning.
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