Profile of patients with traumatic injuries of the upper limb treated in a tertiary hospital
Hand Injuries, Forearm Injuries, Arm Injuries, Rehabilitation Centers, Health ProfileAbstract
The incidence of traumatic injuries of the upper limbs in a tertiary hospital has a wide variety. This is why the creation of a unified database becomes important-to know the patients’ profile. Objective: This study sought to determine the profile of patients with traumatic injuries of the upper limbs, treated by Physical Therapy in Rehabilitation Center of the Clinics Hospital of Ribeirão Preto. Method: Two hundred and twenty-three patient records were evaluated (58 women and 116 men). They had an average age of 34.54 (± 19.05) years and were referred by the orthopedic clinic of this hospital. Results: Of the cases studied, wrist and hand injuries had the highest incidence (60.99%), followed by injuries of the shoulder (20.63%), elbow (12.55%), arm (3.59%) and forearm (2.24%). In injuries of wrist and hand, the trauma mechanism with the highest percentage was the motorcycle accident, associated with multiple handbone fractures. Falling down, motorcycle accidents, and falling off a ladder were the mechanisms of injury correlated with proximal humerus fractures, shoulder dislocations, and broken scapulas, respectively. Conclusion: The incidence of injury, trauma mechanism, and characteristics of the population was verified and further improvements in protocols for specific disorders and prevention can be made.
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