Balance quantification with videogame: pilot study
Video Games, Postural Balance, Stroke, RehabilitationAbstract
Seventh generation video games (VG) propose various balancing tests to asses the stability of the user. However, the parameters used to provide the score of these tests are not reported in the literature, nor is their relationship to clinical practice and user functionality. Objective: The objective of this study was to correlate the scores obtained by the balance platform of the Wii video game with kinetic variables provided by a force platform in simultaneous measurements. Methods: This pilot study included two subjects with stroke and two with traumatic brain injury. The kinetic variables analyzed were: area, movement speed, and root mean square of center of pressure (COP) position in the medial-lateral and anterior-posterior directions, and were processed in Matlab 7.0® and correlated with the score provided by the console (balancing tests: Single-leg test - SL - and Steadiness test - ST -) using the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients, both with p < 0.05. Results: A moderate correlation was found between the SL score and RMSy (r = 0.5839). When comparing the ST score to the variables: area (r = 0.8164), RMSx (r = -0.6418) and RMSy (r = -0.8094) the correlation was moderate to strong. Conclusion: No correlation was found between the console tests and the movement speed of the center of pressure measured on the force platform. It is concluded that the score of VG presented significant correlation with the kinetic variables, but the method is not practical for being employed in a clinical evaluation.
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