Cardiovascular risk factors prevalent among elderly performing adapted physical activity
Cardiovascular Diseases, Risk Factors, Motor Activity, AgedAbstract
The prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors (CVRF) increases linearly with age. Debilitating diseases within the ambit of physical medicine and rehabilitation can promote or aggravate pre-existing comorbidities and CVRFs. A high prevalence of CVRFs was noted in the medical histories of elderly patients receiving regular ambulatory follow up while performing adapted physical activity (APA) as therapy in a rehabilitation center. Objective: To evaluate the presence of CVRFs in the elderly who are practicing APA, in order to map the risk profile of this specific population. Method: Collection and observational analysis of data found in the medical histories of the elderly (> 60 years) practicing APA, and in regular ambulatory follow up, concerning several CVRFs (Systemic Arterial Hypertension - SAH, Diabetes Mellitus - DM, Dyslipidemia - DLP, Smoking; Excess weight/Obesity - EW/Ob, Family history - FH). Results: one hundred and ten (n = 110) elderly patients were found (average age 72.9 ± 7.1 years). Information in medical history about smoking, EW/Ob and FH, were only found in 11.8%, 52.7%, and 0%, respectively, and were thus excluded from posterior analysis. The prevalence of SAH, DLP and DM were 69.0%, 46.3%, and 27.2%, respectively. Only 18.2% of these elderly presented no CVRF (SAH, DLP, DM), 34.5% one associated factor, 33.6% two factors, 13.7% three factors. Of those evaluated, 28.2% already presented established cardiopathy. Conclusion: A high prevalence of SAH, DLP, DM and established cardiopathy among the elderly practicing regular APA in one rehabilitation center was noted, labeling this sample population with high risk profile. Cardiovascular risk factors of crucial importance like smoking, obesity, and a family history of cardiac disease were not appropriately mapped, with little such information found in the evaluated medical histories. Due to the size and specificity of the present study sample, this result could not express the actual national scope of rehabilitation centers, and should be better investigated in future studies. However, the present data are alarming and must be considered with special attention, since no appropriate map of CVRFs was made.
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