Familial and socio-economic changes of patients with hemiparesis stemming from stroke


  • Aline Ferreira Placeres Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto
  • Maysa Alahmar Bianchin Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto




Socioeconomic Factors, Stroke, Paresis, Occupational Therapy


A stroke is considered a disease of great social impact that causes major disruptions such as job loss, decreased income, and changes in occupational roles; it can become a serious family problem. Objective: To analyze the changes in work and family caused by hemiparesis in patients who have experienced a stroke. Methods: This is a quantitative study involving 30 patients with hemiparesis due to stroke in the Hospital de Base of São José do Rio Preto. The instruments used were the identification form containing their name, age, gender, and current and previous occupation, among other things, along with a questionnaire adapted by the Occupational Therapy service with ten closed questions where the participant could respond either “yes” or “no.” Results: The research showed that before having the stroke, 87% of the participants were working and receiving a salary, and after the stroke none had any paid activity. The family relationships of those impaired for a longer time suffered more than of those who were impaired for a shorter time. Conclusion: This study found that patients with hemiparesis due to stroke may undergo changes in industrial, socioeconomic, and family relationships. This data is relevant so that health professionals can assist the return of these subjects to occupational activities after a stroke.


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How to Cite

Placeres AF, Bianchin MA. Familial and socio-economic changes of patients with hemiparesis stemming from stroke. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];22(1):5-8. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/103893