Evaluation of hip adductor and abductor muscles using an isokinetic dynamometer
Hip Joint, Biomechanical, Muscle Strength DynamometerAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the activity of the adductor and abductor muscle groups of the hip in young adults by using an isokinetic dynamometer. Method: 20 male volunteers were selected, with ages varying between 21 and 30 years for evaluation on a Cybex 6000 isokinetic dynamometer, at angular speeds of 60°/s and 120°/s. Results: In relation to the dominance, it did not show any statistically significant differences at the two studied speeds. At these two speeds the maximum torque, the total work, and the average power presented statistically significant differences in all the comparisons. Comparing the muscle groups revealed statistically significant differences for the total work, with higher average values in the abductor muscle group studied at both speeds and the average power found higher mean values at 120°/s in the same muscle group. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference in relation to dominance. When comparing speeds, all variables showed a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of maximum torque and total work at 60°/s and average power at 120°/s. The statistical comparison between muscle groups showed significant differences for the total work at both speeds and the average power at a rate of 120°/s
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