Dual task training as a therapeutic strategy in neurologic physical therapy: a literature review


  • Tassiana Mendel Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA
  • Wilames Oliveira Barbosa Hospital Universitário de Sergipe
  • Adriana Campos Sasaki Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB




Executive Function, Exercise Therapy, Attention, Neurology, Rehabilitation


Objective: Discuss the possibilities of dual task in the ambit of neurological rehabilitation. Methods: A survey was conducted in PUBMED, MEDLINE, LILACS, and PEDro, using the keywords "dual task" associated with each of the following terms separately: treatment, physical therapy, rehabilitation, exercise, training, divided attention, executive functions, and attentional demands. We selected only clinical trials that used dual task training in adults with neurological disease. Results: From the 2,024 articles found, 1,017 were excluded because they are duplicate. Among the remaining 1,007 articles, 998 were excluded after reviewing the abstracts. Nine articles were selected that included patients with stroke, brain injuries, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease. Most articles used gait as the primary task, and in six studies the second task was cognitive. The training programs ranged between a total of 9 and 48 hours of training. Conclusion: Dual task training appears to improve gait, cognition, automation skills, and transference of learning, suggesting that this may be a valuable strategy for neurological rehabilitation. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to explain which tasks are more efficient and how long the learning retention lasts.


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How to Cite

Mendel T, Barbosa WO, Sasaki AC. Dual task training as a therapeutic strategy in neurologic physical therapy: a literature review. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];22(4):206-11. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/122512