Functional evaluation of hemiplegic patients post-stroke using the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder And Hand - DASH questionnaire
Stroke, Upper Extremity, Surveys and Questionnaires, Occupational TherapyAbstract
Hemiplegia after a stroke results in movement limitations of the upper and lower limbs, hindering the functional capacity of the individual to perform daily activities. Objective: To verify whether the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire (DASH) is an appropriate instrument to evaluate patients with hemiplegia due to a stroke. Methods: One hundred patients with hemiplegia due to stroke in treatment at the Occupational Therapy service of IMREA HC FMUSP were interviewed using the DASH instrument. Results: The DASH showed to be a valid and reproducible questionnaire because it evaluates the difficulties in performing the basic and instrumental activities of daily living regarding the motor limitations of hemiplegic patients. Conclusion: The questionnaire provided patient information on their opinion and personal satisfaction regarding their own physical condition and degree of independence for daily activities
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