Application of the ICF-CY Brief Core Set for cerebral palsy on a school age child
Cerebral Palsy, Child, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthAbstract
The development of the ICF Core Sets for Children and Youth with cerebral palsy (ICF-CY - CP) was published in June 2014. We describe the application of the brief core set on a 9-year-old child, in order to propose available methods and improve its applicability in clinical practice. For items that could not be described by standardized methods, we asked the patient and his family simple and objective questions. By applying the ICF-CY-CP brief core set we could demonstrate data that described the patient´s functionality objectively, as well as how contextual factors act. We concluded that the routine evaluation of these children could be expressed in a language that allows comparison and reporting for clinical, administrative, and epidemiological purposes
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