Cross-cultural adaptation of the ABILOCO: a measure of locomotion ability for individuals with stroke
Stroke, Locomotion, Cross-Cultural ComparisonAbstract
The ABILOCO, specific for adults with stroke, is a questionnaire for the assessment of locomotion ability. For the application with the Brazilian population, its cross-cultural adaptation is required. Objective: To translate the ABILOCO into the Brazilian-Portuguese language and adapt the questionnaire to the Brazilian culture. Methods: The process of cross-cultural adaptation followed standardized procedures and was conducted in five stages: translation, back-translation, synthesis of the translations, expert committee consultation, and testing of the pre-final version. The prefinal version was administered to 10 individuals with stroke, who were asked to interpret all of the items. Results: The cross-cultural adaptation process followed al of the recommended guidelines and minor modifications in two items were necessary to facilitate understanding. Satisfactory results were obtained during the test of the pre-final version, since there was not found any problem regarding the wording and clarity of the items or the objective of the questionnaire. Conclusions: The ABILOCO-Brazil showed satisfactory semantic, linguistic, cultural, and conceptual equivalence to be used within clinical and research contexts. Future studies should continue the process of validation of the questionnaire.
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