Evaluation of functionality and quality of life in critical patients: case series report


  • Jéssica Rosa Vargas Wiethan
  • Janice Cristina Soares Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria – HUSM
  • Juliana Alves Souza




Intensive Care Units, Recovery of Function, Physical Therapy Modalities, Quality of Life


Hospitalization in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) usually results in decreased functionality and quality of life. Risk long-term sequelae may result from factors related to disease, treatment performed and time staying in bed. Objective: To evaluate the functionality and quality of life of patients who received physiotherapy in the ICU and correlate these variables after 30 days of discharge. Methods: A case series report study was conducted with 15 patients. Evaluation of functionality by the Functional Independence Measure - FIM (before ICU, at immediate release and after 30 days), evaluation of quality of life by Short-Form (SF-36) Health Survey (after 30 days). Results: The mean age was 43.20 ± 16.92 years, predominant causes of hospitalization were neurological, mechanical ventilation time was 14 (9-14) days and ICU 15.80 ± 7.16 days and all had complications. Before the ICU the patients were with full or modified independence (FIM 1=126), after discharge there was a decline to modified dependence (FIM 2=48) and after 30 days there was improvement, but functionality continued as modified dependence (FIM 3=92). The functionality areas like self-care, mobility and locomotion had major changes after the ICU and a significant improvement at 30 days; sphincter control, communication and social cognition had minor changes after the ICU and after 30 days the values approached the previous ones. The quality of life was affected 30 days after discharge with reduction in scores for all areas, the most affected ones were functional capacity, limitation by physical aspects, pain and social aspects. There were positive correlations between the areas of sphincters control, mobility and mobility (functionality) and functional capacity (quality of life). Conclusion: ICU negatively affected the functionality, especially at immediate release. After 30 days, there was an improvement, in part, that can be attributed to physical therapy, because all patients received this treatment in the ICU and many continued it after discharge. However, some deficits still remained, also affecting their quality of life.


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How to Cite

Wiethan JRV, Soares JC, Souza JA. Evaluation of functionality and quality of life in critical patients: case series report. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];24(1):7-12. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/144576