3D print orthesis for shoulder: case report
Upper Extremity, Orthotic Devices, Technological Development, Printing, Three-DimensionalAbstract
Subluxation of the shoulder is the most common musculoskeletal complication of Central and Peripheral Nervous System disorders, which leads to decreased movement, function, and increased pain. Objective: Orthosis is one of the assistive devices used in the treatment of this pathology and it focuses in correcting deformity, decreasing pain and providing function to the affected member. This study proposes a new methodology for designing and manufacturing customized shoulder stabilization orthoses with 3D scan image acquisition and 3D printing technologies, for ensuring better adaptability and comfort for the user. Method: The methodology used in this study was divided into five phases: case study, scanning, modeling and 3D printing; and finishing. The case study included a user with brachial plexus injury that motivated the original design of hybrid orthosis, personalized and manufactured in 3D, with rigid structure and traction straps, for stabilizing the shoulder, reduce pain and allowing function. Results: After 3D scanning, we used specialized software to process the three-dimensional STL image. Optimization of the project with generation of models and prototyped parts in FDM based on the user evaluations was performed. The developed concept was: personalized orthosis, easy to clean and wear, resistant, articulated, for wearing in both arms with traction straps in rigid fabric coupled to the waist. Conclusion: The user test corroborated with the designed concept and showed a preliminary prototype with good trunk coupling, satisfactory traction and possibility of performing a greater number of ADLs with less pain and/or tiredness.
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