Epidemiological profile of patients with cerebral palsy treated in the AACD-SP


  • Anny Michelly Paquier Binha Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente
  • Simone Carazzato Maciel Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente
  • Carla Cristine Andrade Bezerra Universidade Federal de São Paulo




Cerebral Palsy, Hemiplegia, Quadriplegia


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of multifactorial clinical syndromes characterized by motor deficit, sometimes with postural dysfunction. Objective: To characterize a new series of clinical CP patients in the institution from January-2012 to December-2014. Method: Retrospective study of 743 electronic medical records of patients screened at CP outpatient facilities. Results: 614 cases were considered eligible. 47.4% female and 52.6% male subjects. 29.5% were under 2 years of age, 34% were from 2 to 4, 15.5% from 4 to 6, 16.3% from 6 to 12, 4.6% from 12 to 18 and 0.2% were above 18 years of age. At birth, 50.7% were preterm and 45% term. Regarding weight, 9.1% were classified as extreme low weight, 16.8% very low weight, 21.8% low weight, 43.6% adequate weight, 2.3% macrosomic. The predominant type of delivery were cesarean section (56.5%). Regarding clinical and topographic classification, 13.4% had spastic hemiplegia, 33.9% spastic diplegia,
12.2% spastic tetraplegia, 0.5% spastic monoplegia, 5.9% Dyskinetic / ataxic, 5.7% mixed CP, and 1% were hypotonic. In 55.5% of the families they did not receive any social benefits. Regarding specialized care, for 97.7% of the patients that was the first appointment with a Physiatrist. Conclusion: Most pregnant women undertook at least the minimum number of prenatal visits. Cesarean delivery was predominant. Preterm births were slightly higher. The most prevalent type of CP was the spastic diplegic, with GMFCS ranging from 1 to 5. More than half of families did not manage to have access to social benefits.


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How to Cite

Binha AMP, Maciel SC, Bezerra CCA. Epidemiological profile of patients with cerebral palsy treated in the AACD-SP. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];25(1):1-6. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/158818