Respiratory function in patients with lumbar stenosis: a comparative analysis
Arthrodesis, Muscle Strength, SpirometryAbstract
Degenerative diseases of the spine are conditions that involve loss of structure and normal function of the spine and may lead to worsening functional capacity, decreased exercise tolerance, and reduced quality of life due to neurogenic lameness and chronic low back pain. The choice of arthrodesis is due to the presence of evolutionary neurological injury or intractable pain. Objective: To analyze and compare spirometric values and respiratory muscle strength in patients with lumbar stenosis. Method: Cross-sectional study with 38 patients of both sexes, divided into a group of 19 operated patients and another group of 19 patients awaiting surgery, aged between 50 and 80 years, who were evaluated by spirometry and manovacuometry. Results: In our study, it was observed that pulmonary function was within the reference values, considering that the group of operated patients presented better performance in spirometry and manovacuometry. Conclusion: operated patients showed improvement in lung function compared to non-operated patients.
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