Neuropsychological aspects of a population of patients with vascular lower extremity amputations
Neuropsychology, Cognition, Psychological Tests, Peripheral Arterial Disease, AmputationAbstract
Objective: To describe the neuropsychological profile of patients with major lower limb amputation and to investigate the existence of correlations between these cognitive aspects, socio-demographic and clinical aspects. Method: This is a cross-sectional, analytic, descriptive study carried out at an outpatient rehabilitation center. The instruments used were Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), a brief neuropsychological assessment instrument (Neupsilin) along with a questionnaire to characterize the sample. Results: Cognitive performance was worse in functions that require arithmetic skills (42,2% of the patients underperformed); perception (46,3% underperformed); executive functions, notably in constructive praxis (40,6% underperformed) and verbal fluency (35,9% underperformed) and language (31,2% underperformed). The best performances were in spacial orientation (92,2% performed as expected) and verbal memory (87,5% performed as expected). Conclusion: The cognitive profile of these patients revealed alterations in most of the assessed cognitive functions, especially in functions directly related to functionalities of the patient.
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