Assistive technologies: aspects influencing assurance and abandonment of resources




Orthotic Devices, Artificial Limbs, Wheelchairs, Exercise Therapy, Occupational Therapy


Assistive Technologies are resources used to enhance functional abilities and provide autonomy and independence. Persons with disabilities are guaranteed access to these resources, with prescription from professionals in the rehabilitation services of the Unified Health System (SUS). Objective: Check aspects involved with adhesion and abandonment of orthoses, prostheses and wheelchairs. Method: This was a cross-sectional study, the data were collected through a structured interview that questions the prescription process, benefits and continuity or abandonment of use of the equipment’s. The study population were individuals aged 18 to 80 years who received assistive technologies dispensed in the period from January to December of 2017 through a Specialized Center in Rehabilitation, of the municipality of Santa Maria - RS. Results: In 2017,400 equipment were dispensed, being interviewed 31 people of this amount, since many of the beneficiaries do not reside in the municipality, not consenting to participate. The 31 people received 38 equipment, 6 motorized chairs, 13 manuals, 8 lower limb prostheses, 1 upper limb, 7 lower limb orthoses and 3 upper limbs. Of these, 20 were still used and 18 were abandoned. The most reported benefits were improved stability and facilitation of resource displacement. Conclusion: The majority of the beneficiaries were adults and the elderly, and the manual chair and the lower limb prosthesis were the most dispensed equipment. It was verified that there was a significant number of abandonment suggesting that inadequacies occurred at the moment of prescription, resulting in the abandonment.


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How to Cite

Missio MM, Queiroz LF de. Assistive technologies: aspects influencing assurance and abandonment of resources. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];25(4):185-90. Available from: