Intervention of physiotherapy in Menkes syndrome: case report




Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome, Genetic Predisposition to Disease, Physical Therapy Modalities, Child


Objective: To describe the intervention of motor and respiratory physiotherapy in the case of a child with Menkes Syndrome. Method: Case report based on retrospective registers in which data are presented regarding the physical therapy accompaniment of a child with the diagnosis of Menkes Syndrome. The data were obtained based on the records of the child's chart, interview with relatives and information of the professionals involved. The patient was referred for physiotherapeutic assistance at 5 months of age, due to the presence of atelectasis pneumonia associated with the typical manifestations of Menkes' Syndrome, followed by a period of 4 months. A total of 76 appointments were performed, including motor and respiratory physiotherapy, and methods, techniques and manipulations were used to stimulate neuropsychomotor development, as well as techniques and physiotherapeutic resources were used to clear and reexpans the lungs. Results: At each session, the child showed evident immediate improvement in respiratory pattern and type, respiratory rate, pulmonary auscultation, and signs of respiratory discomfort. In addition, the motor stimulation and maintenance of the skeletal muscle of the child, prevented injuries and deformities. According to the mother's report, the child was less agitated after the sessions, with improved breathing pattern and comfort, which positively impacted his quality of life. Conclusion: Motor and respiratory physiotherapy are presented as favorable therapies for the general health condition of patients with Menkes-Syndrome, and further studies should be conducted to elucidate this intervention in a bigger sample.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Santos BK dos, Itaborahy BDH, Belém FJ da M, Schivinski CIS. Intervention of physiotherapy in Menkes syndrome: case report. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];27(1):58-63. Available from: