Short-term effect of two hydrokinesiotherapy protocols of children with Zika congenital syndrome
Zika virus, Muscle Tonus, Hydrotherapy, RehabilitationAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the short-term effect of two hydrokinesiotherapy protocols on muscle tone and stress levels in children with SCZ. Method: A crossover, randomized, blinded study with children with microcephaly/SCZ between 3-36 months of age. Was evaluated by the Modified Tardieu Scale(EMT), analyzing the degree of muscle tone and the range of articular movement(ROM); the level of stress, through a visual analogue scale of faces ranging from a state without stress(1) to intense stress(4). Two hydrocinesotherapy protocols(PI and PII) were applied in a restricted aquatic environment, for 15 minutes with water temperature at 37ºC. Results: Twelve children participated in the study (mean age in months: 23.9+3.97), 58.7% female. After PI, we observed a reduction in the degree of tone of the extensor muscles of the elbow(p = 0.03) and knee(p = 0.04); in PII, there were no significant changes in the degree of tone. There were no significant changes in the level of stress in PI and PII, however 83.3% were without stress or mild stress before the interventions. Conclusions: Protocol I reduced the degree of muscle tone in the short term when compared to PII. It is emphasized that the protocols applied are of low cost, and can be a viable non-pharmacological technique option in the therapeutic follow-up of these children. It should be noted that the physiotherapist's experience should guide the choice of the appropriate protocol for the therapeutic objective of each child and the advantage of being a technique easily replicable in a therapeutic and home environment.
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