Effects of a physical exercise program based on the soil Pilates method on physical activity, locomotor capacity and quality of life in men with lower limb amputation





Disabled Persons, Amputation, Exercise, Postural Balance, Quality of Life


Objective: Evaluate the effects of a twelve week physical exercise program based on the Pilates Solo method about physical activity, balance, locomotor capacity, and quality of life in men with unilateral lower limb amputation. Method: The study included 14 people with unilateral lower limb amputation, divided in two groups: Intervention Group - IG (participants exposed to the exercise protocol based on the Pilates Solo method) and Control Group - CG (participants that were not exposed to the exercise protocol based on the Pilates Solo method). The following instruments were applied: a) form to characterize the participants; b) Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities (PASIPD); c) Berg's Balance Scale; d) Amputee Functional Measure; and e) Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, with results with p less than or equal to 0.05 being considered significant. Results: Based on the analysis, it was possible to observe a significant difference in balance after the experimental period (p=0.008), in favor of the intervention group. In addition, a significant difference can be observed in the mean of the intervention group for balance and for physical aspects of quality of life (SF-36), as well as Cohen's d showed effects of great magnitude on these variables. Conclusion: Therefore, the results show positive effects in the practice of the physical exercise program on the dynamic and static balance and on the quality of life of amputees.


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How to Cite

Rudolpho SMS, Luza LP, Pires GKW, Silva FC da, Lima DB de, Oliveira LC de, et al. Effects of a physical exercise program based on the soil Pilates method on physical activity, locomotor capacity and quality of life in men with lower limb amputation. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];28(3):133-41. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/169835