Knee muscle evaluation and lower limbs’ functional evaluation of young female volleyball athletes
Physical Functional Performance, Muscle Strength Dynamometer, Athletic Injuries, Knee, VolleyballAbstract
Muscle and functional imbalances are analyzed in order to try prevent injuries and improve athletes' performance. Objective: To analyze knee’s muscular performance of the knee extensors and flexors and lower limbs’ functional performance of volleyball athletes. Methods: Fifteen female volleyball, athletes under the age of 16 from the University of Caxias do Sul, were analyzed. For analysis of muscle performance, the variables peak torque of knee extensors and flexors, and conventional flexor/extensor ratio, the isokinetic dynamometer was used. For the functional analysis of the lower limbs, the Hop tests and Y balance test (YBT) were used. Results: In the comparison between dominant (MD) and non-dominant (MND) limbs, there were no statistically significant differences in the analysis of peak torque; and in the flexor/extensor ratio analyzes, just one significant difference was found at 240°/s. However, the mean values of flexor/extensor ratio are below to the values suggested by the literature. Functional assessments also did not show asymmetries between members; however, the YBT composite score was below to the normative values. Conclusion: The excellent symmetry between the members can be justified by the sport’s specificity, as the volleyball’s gestures have a symmetrical character during the physical demands of the lower limbs. However, the low values of the flexor/extensor ratio and the YBT composite score may not be directly related to an increased risk of injuries since the reference values used are for adult athletes.
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