Reduction of handgrip strength among the oldest old
Aged, 80 and over, Hand Strength, Sarcopenia, Geriatric NursingAbstract
Objective: To describe the sociodemographic and health characteristics of older adults aged 80 or over, to identify the occurrence of reduced handgrip strength of older adults aged 80 or over and to verify the factors associated with reduced handgrip strength of older adults aged 80 or over. Methods: Cross-sectional an analytical study, with a quantitative approach, developed with 313 older adults aged 80 or over from the community of a Health Macro-region of the State of Minas Gerais. In data collection, the following were applied: Mini-Mental State Examination; Structured questionnaire prepared by the Collective Health Research Group; International Physical Activity Questionnaire; Brazilian version of the Short Physical Performance Battery; Handgrip strength test; Body mass index and question regarding the occurrence of falls. Results: There was a predominance of older adults aged 80 or over females (64.2%); with 80 -90 years of age (86.6%); 1-5 years of schooling (53.0%); income ≤1 minimum wage (55.3%); widowers (63.3%); who lived accompanied (75.7%); physically inactive (51.4%); with moderate/good physical performance (55.9%); no falls in the last 12 months (68.4%), eutrophic (39.9%) and with five or more morbidities (62.9%). Most older adults aged 80 or over (60.4%) showed a reduction in handgrip strength, which was associated with the occurrence of falls in the last 12 months (p=0.042) and physical inactivity (p<0.001). Conclusion: The reduction in the handgrip strength of older adults aged 80 or over was related to the occurrence of falls and physical inactivity, such factors contribute to planning gerontological care in clinical practice.
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Funding data
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers APQ nº 407978/2016-0 -
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
Grant numbers APQ nº 0189417