Intensive rehabilitation protocol for neuropsychomotor development in a child with microcephaly: a case report
Microcephaly, Child Development, Motor Skills, Psychomotor Performance, Physical Therapy ModalitiesAbstract
Microcephaly is a multifactorial disease that can be developed congenitally or due to environmental causes. It affects the skullcap bones, causing premature fontanelles closure, in which it restricts the internal skull space, which consequently affects the growth and normal development of the brain, leading to mild, moderate or severe neuropsychomotor disorders. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the neuropsychomotor development of a child with microcephaly, before and after an intensive physical therapy protocol. This is a case report in which the motor milestones and function levels were evaluated before and after an intensive physical therapy protocol performed for a consecutive 30 days period. Important results were obtained in cervical control, midline head alignment, object handling, lifting hands to mouth and postural alignment. Thus, it is concluded that the intensive physical therapy protocol is an effective alternative that helps and enhances the child's neuropsychomotor development.
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