Situational diagnosis of Specialized Centers in Rehabilitation and Orthopedic Manufacturings: CERBrasil Project
Disabled Persons, Health Services, Rehabilitation Centers, Health EvaluationAbstract
In Brazil, the attention to people with disabilities has increasing in recent years, with the creation of the Care Network for People with Disabilities, as well as with ministerial initiatives to assess the current situation of the network and specific services in rehabilitation. In this sense, it is intended, through this brief communication, to present the CERBrasil project that aims to carry out the situational diagnosis of Specialized Centers in Rehabilitation (SCR) and orthopaedics manufacturings. The CER-Brasil project is a multicenter study with the national articulation of researchers from the five Brazilian federal regions. Through a multi-methodological approach, the project is being carried out in different stages, which include the Delphi method, documentary research, evaluation of health services, and interviews with managers, professionals and patients linked to SCR in different regions of the Brazilian territory.
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Funding data
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers 371129/2019-2