Nursing homes during the pandemic COVID-19 crisi: SOBRAMFA strategies, an efficient models
Residential Facilities, Medical Care, Coronavirus Infections, AgedAbstract
The current pandemic for COVID-19 makes us live difficult and unprecedented times. The efforts of all health professionals, each in their own competencies, are essential. While researchers and scientists struggle to find effective therapeutic resources, those on the front line devote their best efforts to the clinical care of affected patients. With each passing day, the care of the health team itself is essential. Not only physical care (for which all possible measures are taken in each case), but also mental health. A discouraged, pessimistic member of the health team, without perspective is also a factor of crisis, it causes insecurity in patients and families - even more than what usually comes to them from the media - and nothing helps the health team. It is necessary to raise the morale of those who deal daily with this threat of proportions never seen before.
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