Falls in community dwelling elderly assisted by a family health strategy in the municipality of São Leopoldo: prevalence and associated factors





Accidental Falls, Risk Factors, Primary Health Care, Health of the Elderly


Elderly are a significant portion of our society, causing a change in expenses in many fields. One of the factors that collaborate the most for health expenses is the accidental/recurrent fall, responsible event for high mortality rate and the development of morbidity in the third age. Objective: Identify the prevalence of falls in elderly and make an epidemiologic tracing of the risk factors present in that age group. Method: This is an observational and cross-sectional descriptive study carried with elderly people of ESF of São Leopoldo/RS, in the period between February and March of 2020. The data collection was held by five instruments: questionnaire about falls history; Timed Up & Go (TUG); Functional Reach Teste (FRT); Handgrip Dinamometry (HGD); and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). For the data analysis, the Qui-Square test, adjusted residual and Odds Ratio was used. Results: The sample consisted of 125 community elderly, 66,4% of the female sex and at the average age of 70,39±6,56 years old. More than half of them have felt in the last year, being the ones of recurrent kind the most prevalent (61,6%) and 53,4% had broken a bone because of it. The history of falls demonstrated positive association (p<0,05) to the female sex, higher group age, widowhood, living alone, polypharmacy, fear of falling, to the FRT and HGD. Conclusion: Community elderly present a high prevalence rate of falls and various causes of it. It is important to recognize the importance of a multidimensional assessment to trace the risks and to identify the more susceptible seniors to falling.


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How to Cite

Carvalho MS de, Martins P, Santos FS, Queiroz DTS. Falls in community dwelling elderly assisted by a family health strategy in the municipality of São Leopoldo: prevalence and associated factors. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];28(4):259-67. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/174519