Congenital muscular dystrophy merosin negative: a case report




Muscular Dystrophies, Laminin, Physical Therapy Modalities, Rehabilitation


Laminin subunit alpha 2 muscular dystrophy (DMLAMA2) is characterized by a deficiency of the α2 laminin chain protein, presenting dystrophic symptoms that progress in childhood. Objective: To present data from the physical therapy evaluation of a child with DMLAMA2 in outpatient follow-up. Methods: Medical records were searched for data referring to the physiotherapeutic evaluations of a 12-year-old child diagnosed with DMLAMA2 treated at a specialized outpatient clinic. The evaluation was characterized by pulmonary auscultation, spirometry, verification of cardiorespiratory parameters, analysis of peak cough flow (PFT), respiratory muscle strength (FMR) and motor evaluation using the MFM-32 scale. Results: Three evaluations were carried out during 9 months. The patient has restrictive disease, in the first evaluation she had FEV1= 29% in spirometry, compared to the third evaluation, she had an increase of 1%, there was also an increase of 2% in the FEV1/FVC ratio, 5% in the PEF and 11% in the FEF25-75%. In the FMR, values of MIP=17.9% and MEP= 7.13% were obtained in the first assessment, with an increase of 16.85% and 5.34%, respectively, between the first and third assessments. The PFT remained at 0L/min in all evaluations. In the first motor evaluation, it scored 25% in the total score of the MFM-32 scale, increasing 3.12% in the third evaluation. During the follow-up, the use of nocturnal NIV started and AS technique was introduced, seeking correction of hypoxemia, night apneas, increased PFT and FMR. Conclusion: Patient presented maintenance of spirometric parameters, increased FMR variables and motor function, without worsening the condition. Possible results from the multidisciplinary and specialized monitoring.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Heinz MC, Santos CM, Silveira K, Santos Schivinski CI. Congenital muscular dystrophy merosin negative: a case report. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];29(4):302-7. Available from: