Influence of physiotherapeutic treatment on the functional independence of people with hemophilia submitted to radioactive sinovectomy
Hemophilia A, Blood Coagulation Disorders, Synovectomy, Physical Therapy Specialty, RehabilitationAbstract
Radioactive synovectomy (RS) is considered the treatment of choice in the control of chronic synovitis resistant to conservative treatment, and physiotherapy is recommended to improve functionality after procedure. Objective: The aim was to verify the effects of physiotherapy on functional independence and joint health after RS. Method: This is a descriptive, retrospective, analytical study with qualitative/quantitative methodology. Physiotherapeutic evaluation, Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) application for joint outcome assessment and Functional Independence Score in Hemophilia (FISH) were used to measure the patient’s functional ability. The participants were divided into two groups: one group underwent a physiotherapy program and one not treated with physiotherapy after RS. Results: The study included 8 people with hemophilia A, all male, their mean age was 19±5.3 years. Twelve joints were submitted to RS, in which 41.67% elbows, 33.33% knees and 25% ankles. In the comparison of the groups, there was no statistically significant difference between them in joint health and functional independence. Conclusion: The study is a first attempt to describe the impact of physiotherapy on functional independence and joint health of hemophilic patients submitted to SR. Although this study has limitations, it was possible to observe that the group not treated with physiotherapy had better joint health and better functional independence prior to SR compared to the group that underwent physiotherapy, but the group treated with physiotherapy had worse overall health and have their functionality impacted by joints other than those treated with RS, presenting a higher number of target joints.
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