Analysis of the spine posture, mobility and strength in healthy individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis




Shoulder Pain, Scapula, Posture, Rehabilitation


Spine posture, mobility and strength can be associated with changes in scapular movement and shoulder pain. However, these aspects have not been assessed in healthy individuals with scapular dyskinesis without shoulder and/or back pain. Objective: To analyze spine posture, mobility and strength in healthy individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis. Method: Cross-sectional study, fifty-two college-aged individuals were divided into two groups, according to scapular dyskinesis testing: a group without scapular dyskinesis (n= 19; age= 22.95±2.86 years; BMI= 22.97±3.12 kg/m²; 10 males) and another with scapular dyskinesis (n= 33; age= 22.06±2.73 years; BMI= 22.14±3.22 kg/m²; 10 males). Posture of the head and shoulders was analyzed from photographs by a postural assessment software (PAS/SAPO). Thoracic kyphosis and range of motion of the cervical and thoracolumbar spine were measured by a digital inclinometer, and the strength of the cervical and thoracolumbar spine muscles by a hand-held dynamometer. Intergroup comparison for all the variables was conducted using analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), considering p≤0.05 as significant. Results: No intergroup difference was found for spine posture (p= 0.18-0.99), mobility (p= 0.23-0.96) and strength (p= 0.42-0.99). Conclusion: Spine posture, mobility and strength do not differ between healthy individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis. The outcomes suggest that scapular dyskinesis may be related to interpersonal variations. Future prospective studies be conducted in order to verify if these variables can change and influence the development of shoulder pain.



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Nascimento R de GX do, Maciel NFB, Souza LMV de, Lima TBS de, Andrade SC de, Sousa C de O. Analysis of the spine posture, mobility and strength in healthy individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];28(1):7-14. Available from: