Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties analyses of brazilian version of Cares of Older People in Europe (COPE Index)




Surveys and Questionnaires, Translating, Validation Study, Quality of Life, Caregivers


Objective: To translate and crosscultural adapt the COPE Index to Brazilian’s Portuguese and to analyses the measurement properties of the questionnaire among caregivers of disabled people of different ages. Methods: The first step was the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire (n= 31). Followed by the psychometric properties’ analyses of the questionnaire (n=101). The participants of all steps were informal caregivers of disabled people of any age, assisted at Physiotherapy Neurofunctional and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation in Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (ISCMSP). The data were collected between August/2018 and December/2019. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS® software version 13.0. The interviews were conducted in three different moments, and all the respondents answered the Demographic form, the COPE Index, the Burden Interview – Zarit and WHOQOL – Bref. Results: In the first step, some of the terms were reviewed at the Expert Committee, the test of the pre-final version was performed, and participants had no doubts. In the following step, the internal consistency, calculated with Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, varied 0,54 to 0,67, the reliability was classified as substantial (ICC=0,81), the error of measurement was considered very good in the three domains, it was observed moderate correlation with Burden Interview – Zarit and WHOQOL – Bref and ceiling effect was observed in Positive Value and Quality of Support. Conclusions: The translation and adaptation of the COPE Index proved to be satisfactory, with moderate values of the measurement properties, suggesting its use to assist the health practitioners.


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How to Cite

Giannini J de BL, Freitas DG de, Manzoni ACT. Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties analyses of brazilian version of Cares of Older People in Europe (COPE Index). Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];29(3):149-58. Available from: