Stepping and gait analysis using TheraTogs® orthosis in a child with athetoid cerebral palsy: a case report
Cerebral Palsy, Athetosis, Orthotic Devices, GaitAbstract
For children with cerebral palsy (CP), the orthotics turn an important role in their functional performance. Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the static footstep and gait of a child with athetoid type CP after daily use of TheraTogs®. Method: Case study of a nine-year-old boy, CP of the athetoid type, who already had the therapeutic garment, but did not wear it daily. It was possible to verify the individual's data through an interview with the family and for the subject's initial motor characterization, the Gross Motor Function Measure - 88 was used. For the diagnosis and plantar evaluation, a baropodometer was applied, and for the kinematic gait measurement, the Gopro Hero 7 camera was used. The subject started to use it systematically, for a period of six to ten hours a day, for eight weeks and was re-evaluated. Results: He showed improvement in the step, reduction in the external rotation of the knee and hip and in the support of the right foot (R) on the ground. In static treading, the maximum pressure point occurred in hindfoot R, the center of gravity was lateralized to the left (L), in the longitudinal arch there was a decrease in load, especially in the midfoot R, where the greatest pressure was in the heel. In the midfoot L this discharge in the longitudinal arc was reduced, but it still remained. Changes were found in the static tread and gait of a patient with CP of the athetoid type with daily use, for eight weeks. More studies are necessary to investigate this topic. Conclusion: In spite of the static tread and gait changes that were found, more research will be necessary to investigate the required time of use and its advantages in the long term.
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