Depression associated variables among lower limb amputees in Santa Catarina State - Brazil




Amputees, Lower Extremity, Depression


The amputation of the lower limbs and depression has been studied by different groups with a wide prevalence range and some variables were related to depressive symptoms. Depression and anxiety have been related with a major impact on adherence to rehabilitation, functional prognosis, and quality of life. Knowing the patients at highest odds of presenting depressive symptoms may favor an early approach and treatment, ultimately optimizing the rehabilitation process and social reintegration. Depression can be related to a lower rate of adaptation to the prosthesis and its use. Objective: To determine the association among demographic, socioeconomic, clinical variables with depressive symptoms in amputees before the prosthetic adaptation. Methods: A case-control study was performed to analyze variables associated with depression (Beck Depression Inventory-II) in lower limb amputees. Results: Patients with previous depression (OR= 17,08; CI95:2,14-136,28) and low socioeconomic class (OR= 3,04; CI95:1,24-7,47) are at highest odds of depression after amputation in the state of Santa Catarina. The model explained 71,4% of cases, classifying 88,1% of negative and 23,8% of positive cases. According to our model amputees recruited rarely presented the diagnosis of depression if they belong to a higher socioeconomic class and have no previous depression. On the other hand, patients who presented Brazilian low socioeconomic class D-E, and previous depression should be referenced to a psychological evaluation because they have a chance of depression, close to 1 in 4 cases. Conclusion: Previous depression and low social class were associated with the highest odds of depression after amputation in our population.


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How to Cite

Botelho MF, Watanabe RGS, Ferreira LG, Back I de C, Freitas SFT de. Depression associated variables among lower limb amputees in Santa Catarina State - Brazil. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];28(3):167-72. Available from: