The concurrent validity of the Stroke Self-Efficacy Questionnaire Brazil (SSEQ-B) in brazilian stroke survivors
Stroke, Activities of Daily Living, Surveys and Questionnaires, RehabilitationAbstract
The Stroke Self-Efficacy Questionnaire Brazil (SSEQ-B) is designed to assess the self-efficacy of functional performance after stroke. Objective: To evaluate the concurrent validity of the SSEQ-B in Brazilian stroke survivors in relation to gold-standard measures of instrumental and basic daily living activities as well as quality of life after stroke. Methods: The concurrent validity of the SSEQ-B was tested using the Frenchay Activity Index (FAI), Barthel Index (BI) and Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL). Descriptive statistics, the Spearman’s coefficient index, Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), Cronbach alpha and achieved post-hoc power (1-ß) analyses were conducted. Results: Seventy-five stroke survivors aged 66.64 ± 12.97 years were included in this study. Total scores from the SSEQ-B were strongly correlated with the FAI (ICC= 0.8 / r= 0.72 / 1-ß= 1.0) and BI (ICC= 0.68 / r= 0.68 / 1-ß= 0.99), but weakly correlated with SS-QOL (ICC= 0.46 / r= 0.65 / 1-ß= 0.94), which suggests stroke self-efficacy is more closely associated with instrumental and daily living activities than the quality of life. Conclusion: The SSEQ-B exhibits good concurrent validity with instrumental and daily living activities and could be useful when assessing stroke self-efficacy in Brazilians.
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