Clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with gait recovery in individuals after thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke
Stroke, Early Ambulation, GaitAbstract
The thrombolytic treatment promotes cerebral reperfusion after ischemic stroke and it is considered the most effective treatment in the acute phase. The thrombolysis is associated with better clinical and functional outcomes. Hemiparesis and balance deficits are important sequelae after a stroke and both affect the individual's locomotion. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate what factors are associated with gait recovery in the acute phase of stroke after thrombolysis. Method: This is a longitudinal study, including 32 individuals in the acute phase of stroke after thrombolytic treatment. The individuals were evaluated in the first hours after thrombolytic therapy, and then, after 7 days or at the time of discharge from the inpatient unit. Results: The main outcome was the presence or absence of independent gait until the seventh day of hospitalization or until discharge from the unit. The response variable was the number of days required to recover gait, being analyzed in 3 categories: "1 day", "2 days" and "3 or more days". Of the 32 individuals in the sample, only 4 did not walk within 7 days after the stroke and about 50% walked on the first day of hospitalization. There was a significant association between the Berg Balance Scale and the time to walk. Conclusions: This study suggests that most individuals undergoing thrombolysis for the treatment of ischemic stroke recover their capacity to walk within seven days of the event and this recovery is associated with balance in the first hours after stroke.
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