Frailty syndrome among the elderly and its associated factors: a structural equation modeling analysis
Frail Elderly, Nutritional Status, Models, StatisticalAbstract
Objective: Analyze the frailty syndrome and its associated factors among the community-dwelling elderly. Method: A cross-sectional study with 1.601 elderlies living in the urban area of the Health Macro-region of the Southern Triangle of Minas Gerais – Brazil divided into two groups: pre-frail/frail (n= 1.200) and non-frail (n= 401). Validated questionnaires were used for data collection. Descriptive and trajectory analyzes were conducted (p<0.05). Results: Older age (p<0.001), a low education level (p<0.001), the highest number of morbidities (p<0.001), high risk for metabolic complications (p= 0.006), and inadequate calf and brachial circumferences were directly associated with pre-frailty/frailty (p<0.001 and p= 0.028, respectively). Indirect associations with pre-frailty were found between males mediated by inadequate calf circumference measurement (β= -0.01), females mediated by the highest number of morbidities and the high risk for metabolic complications (β= 0.04 and β= 0.03, respectively, and the body mass index mediated by the highest number of morbidities (β= 0.03). Conclusion: Older age, low education level, multimorbidity, and inadequate measurements of waist, calf, and brachial circumferences are features that must be considered when designing health care strategies for the elderly aiming to delay the onset of frailty syndrome or minimize its consequences.
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Funding data
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers APQ n. 407978/2016-0 -
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
Grant numbers APQ n. 0189417