Passive exercises in the rehabilitation of patients with pain, edema and joint limitation: pilot study
Muscle Stretching Exercises, Pain, RehabilitationAbstract
Partial or complete immobilization leads to different adjustment processes such as loss of muscle strength, decreased overall performance and edema. Objective: Was to assess pain improvement using an electromechanical passive device in patients with pain, limited mobility and use of gait assistive devices. Method: 20 patients were evaluated in a prospective clinical trial, pain improvement, using auxiliary locomotion devices, in patients who underwent conventional treatment for four to 12 months, but who started doing it daily for an hour and, compared with exercise passive performed with electromechanical passive device, for two hours/day, for five days, and evaluated by the pain scale before and after in Hospital de Base - Fundação Faculdade de Medicina de Sao Jose do Rio Preto - FUNFARME from march 2019 to january 2020. Results: When comparing the difference in reduction of the electromechanical passive device group with the conventional group, there was a reduction of 6.6 in the analogue pain scale and in relation to the conventional group of 2, with a statistically different paired t-test p= 0.0001. Conclusion: Passive mechanical exercises that perform lymphatic drainage are a new treatment option for patients who have pain and chronic gait limitation
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