Effects of an inpatient rehabilitatin program in a unilateral transfermoral amputee: case report
Amputation, Rehabilitation, Thermography, Treatment OutcomeAbstract
The inpatient rehabilitation program can bring several benefits to amputees. Objective: Verify the temperature of the lower limbs and the functionality of the amputee individual submitted to an inpatient rehabilitation program. Method: Male patient with left distal transfemoral amputation was evaluated by thermography (FLIR T650sc infrared sensor) of the thigh region, Timed Up and Go test, 2-minute walk test and after an inpatient program for rehabilitation for 4 weeks. Results: Regarding the thermographic evaluation, there was a decrease in the temperature difference between the right and left thighs, going from 1.9 °C to 0.6 °C in the anterior view and from 3.4 °C to 0.3 °C in posterior view after rehabilitation program. The TUG execution time went from 17.17 s to 13.08 s and an AMP scale went from 38 to 43 after the rehabilitation program. Conclusion: The amputee individual lower limb unilateral submitted to a 4-week inpatient rehabilitation program may benefit from symmetry in the distribution of skin temperature in the thigh, functional mobility and functionality.
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