Comparison of neuromuscular and biochemical responses between patients with COPD and healthy subjects
Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive, Biomarkers, Muscle Fatigue, Quadriceps MuscleAbstract
Objective: To compare neuromuscular and biochemical responses of femoral quadriceps muscle damage and fatigue between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and healthy subjects. Methods: Observational, transversal and comparative study. The sample consisted of 18 subjects assigned to two distinct groups: COPD group (CG) and healthy group (HG), who were assessed by spirometry, quadriceps neuromuscular performance, biochemical markers of muscle damage and fatigue, fatigability and muscle pain. Results: Statistically significant difference was observed in mean power between CG and HG (99.9 ± 21.0 vs. 145.1 ± 51.5, respectively; p= 0.02) and a tendency of mean peak torque (85.7 ± 24.4 vs 104.4 ± 31.0, p= 0.45) and total work (1,305.5 ± 329.9 vs 1.671.5 ± 444.5; p= 0.06) were smaller in the CG than HG, respectively. The LDH concentration immediately after the isokinetic test was significantly higher in the CG than HG (402.3 ± 33.6 vs 289.4 ± 33.6, respectively; p= 0.03). Conclusions: The present study showed that patients with COPD have a reduced ability to generate force over a given period of time when compared to healthy subjects. The plasma levels of biochemical markers did not confirm that patients with COPD have a higher level of muscle damage when exercising than healthy controls.
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