Facilitators of persons with disabilities’ access to health services: a scope review
Disabled Persons, Health Services Accessibility, Health Services for Persons with Disabilities, Right to HealthAbstract
Objective: This study aims to analyze global and local scientific evidence regarding the facilitators that promote the access of people with disabilities to health services. Methods: A scope review was carried out, establishing the guiding question: “What are the main facilitators that people with disabilities find in accessing health services?” The search was carried out in July 2019, in six scientific literature databases. Of the 1,155 documents identified in the searches, after selection by title and abstract, 170 publications were read in full and 76 literature reviews were included, which were categorized according to the theoretical framework. Results: The review lists the facilitators identified by service providers
and people with disabilities and their family members and/or caregivers, at all levels of healthcare. The facilitators were categorized by the different dimensions of access and the Brazilian Inclusion Law. Key facilitators identified by both service users and service providers include the availability of health promotion programs, trained professionals, information about services provided, healthcare guidance, specific rehabilitation care services, and social support. Conclusions: There is a lack of national studies on this topic and the facilitators of persons with disabilities’ access to health services need to be more deeply addressed in the literature. A better understanding of this reality would be of great value for improving public policies and implementing strategies aimed at promoting access to health services.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Grant numbers 2017/50358-0 -
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers 442709/2018-8