Falls among individuals with spinal cord injury: characterization of patients admitted for physical rehabilitation
Accidental Falls, Spinal Cord Injuries, Rehabilitation CentersAbstract
Falls are defined as an unintentional body displacement towards a level below the initial position, with the inability to correct the body promptly. In hospitals, falls are more frequent among the elderly, those with neurological impairment, and patients under physical rehabilitation. Objectives: This is a descriptive retrospective study to characterize patients with spinal cord injury who underwent falls when admitted to a rehabilitation hospital and establish the association between clinical characteristics and the presence or absence of injuries due to the fall. Method: Data were collected from medical records between January 2015 and December 2017. The sample consisted of patients aged 18 years or above with spinal cord injury. Medical records whose data did not allow the study variables to be retrieved were excluded. The statistical analysis included data description followed by Pearson's exact chi-square test to establish the association between clinical and demographical variables and the presence of injuries due to the fall, except for age, which was analyzed with Mann-Whitney’s test. Results: 173 medical records were included and analyzed. A higher frequency of falls was observed among men with paraplegia, during the day, during unsupervised activities, and while using a wheelchair. There was no association between the clinical or demographical variables and falls with injuries. Conclusion: Falls mainly affect individuals with thoracic injuries, wheelchair users during locomotion, transfers, and when they are lifting or tilting their wheelchairs. The findings reiterate the importance of training for wheelchair users to enhance their abilities.
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