Association between the total of falls reported and the number of home ergonomic barriers
Accidental Falls, Architectural Accessibility, Ergonomics, AgedAbstract
Objective: To investigate the association between the total number of falls in the last year and the number of home ergonomic barriers (HEB). Method: Cross-sectional study, Volunteers aged ≥60 years were included in the study. The history of falls and the number of HEBs were evaluated via a questionnaire. vulnerability through the Vulnerable Elders Survey 13 (VES-13) and fear of falling observed by the Falls Efficacy Scale - International- Brazilian (FES-I-BR). Data normality was verified with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the correlation between total falls and the number of ergonomic barriers was verified with the Spearman test and the association between ergonomic barriers and groups with and without a history of falls, in the last year, through bivariate logistic regression and the chi-square test, the significance level of p≤ 0.05 was adopted. Results: Of the 123 individuals evaluated, 48% had a history of falls, with a mean of 3.83±1.96. The lack of support bars was considered protective [OR= 0.30; p= 0.042] and the absence of uniform floors and well-fixed mats were considered as risk factors for falls [OR= 3.71; p= 0.004]. Elderly people with a history of falls with ≥ 04 HEB, presented a greater risk of falls [OR= 5.98 p<0.0001]. Conclusion: The amount ≥ 04 HEB is associated with a history of falls, the absence of handrails is a protective factor, and uneven or slippery floors are risk factors for falls.
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