Association between the total of falls reported and the number of home ergonomic barriers




Accidental Falls, Architectural Accessibility, Ergonomics, Aged


Objective: To investigate the association between the total number of falls in the last year and the number of home ergonomic barriers (HEB). Method: Cross-sectional study, Volunteers aged ≥60 years were included in the study. The history of falls and the number of HEBs were evaluated via a questionnaire. vulnerability through the Vulnerable Elders Survey 13 (VES-13) and fear of falling observed by the Falls Efficacy Scale - International- Brazilian (FES-I-BR). Data normality was verified with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the correlation between total falls and the number of ergonomic barriers was verified with the Spearman test and the association between ergonomic barriers and groups with and without a history of falls, in the last year, through bivariate logistic regression and the chi-square test, the significance level of p≤ 0.05 was adopted. Results: Of the 123 individuals evaluated, 48% had a history of falls, with a mean of 3.83±1.96. The lack of support bars was considered protective [OR= 0.30; p= 0.042] and the absence of uniform floors and well-fixed mats were considered as risk factors for falls [OR= 3.71; p= 0.004]. Elderly people with a history of falls with ≥ 04 HEB, presented a greater risk of falls [OR= 5.98 p<0.0001]. Conclusion: The amount ≥ 04 HEB is associated with a history of falls, the absence of handrails is a protective factor, and uneven or slippery floors are risk factors for falls.


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How to Cite

Ferreira MJC, Dibai DB, Santos AS, Carneiro AS, Soares KVB de C, Rêgo AS, et al. Association between the total of falls reported and the number of home ergonomic barriers. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];29(3):171-6. Available from: