Assessment of clinical-functional vulnerability of fragile older adults after exercise program
Frailty, Exercise, Motor Activity, AgedAbstract
Aging promote changes in the autonomy and dependence of the elderly, which associated with adverse factors can lead the individual to a state of fragility. However, the practice of physical exercises has shown positive effects on functionality that can contribute in a reduction in the risk of vulnerability of the frail older adults. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of exercise in the domains assessed by the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index (IVCF-20) in frail older adults. Method: Fifty-six frail older adult’s people of both sexes, attended at the Health Care Reference Center for the Older Adults - Eny Faria De Oliveira - CRASI, were assessed using the IVCF-20 before and after 10 physiotherapy sessions. The 8 domains that make up the IVCF-20 were analyzed individually. Friedman's ANOVA test was used for pre- and post-rehabilitation comparisons intragroup. Results: Significant differences were observed in the domains of activities of daily living, cognition, mood, mobility, and post-training communication (p<0.01) in the female and male group. Conclusion: exercise programs can contribute to improving the mobility, cognition, and functionality of frail older adults.
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