Clinical use of tests and functional scale: an interview with Physiotherapists




Physical Therapists, Professional Practice, Critical Pathways, Surveys and Questionnaires


Objective: To investigate the use of these tools by Brazilian physical therapists who work clinically in the orthopaedic, traumatological and sports areas, characterizing the professional and his possible relationship with the use of these instruments. Methods: For data collection, through social midias, a self-administered questionnaire online was applied. The participants were divided into four groups according to their answers: group that applied tests and functional scales (GTE); group that applied only functional tests (GST); group that applied only functional scales (GSE); group that did not use any (GN). For data analysis, a descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic and professional data of the participants was performed. The association between nominal qualitative variables was assessed by Chi-square test. Results: Of 100 volunteers participating in the research, 75 composed the GTE, 19 the GST, 1 the GSE and 5 the GN. Tests and scales are used by most professionals interviewed to follow the evolution of treatment and identify dysfunctions. As for the GSE, the main barriers found for not using it were the lack of time in the session and the little knowledge of the instruments. Most participants consider the use of functional assessments to be very relevant in clinical practice. Conclusion: Most orthopaedic, traumatological and sports physical therapists in the sample use tests and functional scales in clinical practice. Their main objective with these tools is to identify the dysfunctions present in patients during physical therapy assessments and the main barriers to not using them are time and little knowledge.


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How to Cite

Machado ML, Sanada LS, Mesquita RS de, Okubo R. Clinical use of tests and functional scale: an interview with Physiotherapists. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];29(3):197-203. Available from: