Use of structural equation modeling to understand the functional disability of elderly people with self-reported cataract




Activities of Daily Living, Cataract, Models, Statistical, Aged


Objective: To verify the direct and indirect associations between demographic, economic, biopsychosocial and behavioral variables with the functional disability of the elderly with self-reported cataract. Method: Cross-sectional study among 260 elderly people with self- reported cataract and residents in the urban area of ​​a health micro-region in Minas Gerais. Data collection was carried out in the households through the application of instruments validated in Brazil. Descriptive and trajectory analyzes were carried out (p<0.05). Results: The functional decline occurred in a hierarchical manner. The worst physical performance was directly associated with greater functional incapacity for basic (p= 0.003), instrumental (p<0.001) and advanced (p= 0.003) activities of daily living. Physical inactivity was directly associated with greater functional disability for instrumental (p<0.001) and advanced (p<0.001) activities. Lower schooling (p= 0.020), higher number of depressive symptoms (p<0.001) and lower social support score (p<0.001) were directly associated with greater functional incapacity for advanced activities, such as older age (p= 0.001) for the instruments. Indirect associations, mediated by worse physical performance, were observed between females and the highest number of morbidities with functional incapacity for the three activities of daily living. Conclusion: Elderly people with self-reported cataract showed impairment of functional capacity related to older age, low education, worse physical performance, physical inactivity, presence of depressive symptoms and lower level of social support.


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How to Cite

Cabral VS, Oliveira NGN, Ikegami Érica M, Oliveira NN, Tavares DM dos S. Use of structural equation modeling to understand the functional disability of elderly people with self-reported cataract. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];30(3):146-54. Available from: