Effects of resistance training on muscle strength and functional capacity in stroke survivors: a systematic review
Stroke, Muscle Strength, Resistance Training, Physical Functional PerformanceAbstract
Objective: The objectives of this systematic review are to verify the effects of strength training on muscular strength and functional capacity in adults with stroke sequelae. Method: Systematic review study, carried out with published articles on strength training, applied to adults with sequelae of acute or chronic stroke, indexed in the PubMed, SciELO, PEDro and LILACS databases. Descriptors in Portuguese and English were used (Stroke and Strength Training; Stroke and Exercise; Stroke and Physical Fitness; Stroke and Exercise), published between January/2014 and January/2023. Results: 11 clinical trials were included. The studies used different strength training methods. The studies observed an increase in maximum dynamic and isometric strength and in functional capacity tests in all groups that performed strength training. Conclusion: Strength exercise can contribute to increasing muscle strength and improving the functional capacity of people with stroke sequelae, but studies with a larger number of participants are necessary.
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